anthony v2
Last time I wrote on this blog was in 2021. Back then, I was still running my gaming startup during the height of COVID-19. Young, naive, still didn't know to use LP into uniswap or aped into any NFTs.
Now, 3.5 years later, I'm a completely different person. Along the way, I've made new friends and lost some too. But what matters most is that I've learned to be more mindful about my daily choices. This mindfulness has helped me manage both my work and personal life more effectively.
I want to continue using this platform to share my life lessons. The topics might be random - ranging from technology and business to simply finding happiness. Hopefully, writing about these experiences will not only serve as a reminder to myself of everything I've learned but help some others (有缘人) along the way.
I doubt anyone will end up reading this except my friend Ryan, who encouraged me to start this blog during COVID as a part of a challenge (you know i do anything for a challenge haha). But if you're still reading this, or somehow stumbled upon it from my Instagram profile, I hope you'll find something valuable here.